"We want to make our school NEP & AI ready!"
You will certainly be the leaders of tomorrow! Becoming 'NEP ready' and becoming 'AI ready', is basically the same thing. The DCIM skills of your teachers & students will build the foundation for both these ambitious objectives. Build a strong one!
#NEP #AI #DigitalTransformation #21stCenturySchool
If you read the NEP document in detail, you can see that it is very much a guideline for the digital transformation of schools and colleges. Becoming NEP ready is not just about complying with a government policy, it also makes your school ready for 21st century education trends like flip teaching, and thus fit to survive in the 21st century education industry. To excel in all the teaching-learning scenarios specified in the NEP, DCIM skills are absolutely essential for your students & teachers.
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How to Start Digital Transformation of Your School

How to Start Digital Transformation of Your School

NEP, AI, & the Internet: The Toughest Exam for Indian Schools!

Why must teachers learn Digital Citizenship and Internet Maturity skills?

The Future of Schools: Survival & Success in the Future Dominated by NEP + AI + Internet

Open Curriculum for Teaching DCIM in School

Free Toolkit to Run DCIM Club in School

Question Paper: The toughest exam for Indian schools

"Digital Discipline problems are rising among our students. They must learn constructive & good use of the Internet."
It's quite a challenge! Issues like cyberbullying, confession pages, plagiarism etc are spreading like a wild fire among students. Traditional disciplining methods don't solve this problem. You must hit the problem at its root - lack of Internet Maturity in students.
#Cyberbullying #ConfessionPages #Plagiarism #GamingAddiction #SocialMediaAddiction #Pornography #Hacking
Unless you teach mindful and purposeful use of the Internet to your students, they won't engage in the constructive use of it. The mindless & negative use of digital technologies arise out of lack of Internet maturity among children. The Digital Citizenship & Internet Maturity program is based on the behaviour modification science. DCIM skills can transform a child's online behaviour from negative/destructive to positive/constructive.
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Digital Discipline - A New Challenge for School Principals

Implement an 'Acceptable Use Policy' (AUP) in Your School - ASAP!

Open Curriculum for Teaching DCIM in School

Free Toolkit to Run DCIM Club in School

"We want to make our students Internet mature & AI ready."
What a noble mission! And, what an amazing alumni network you will boast of! The most important factor in making your plan successful will be the DCIM program of your school.
#21stCenturySkills #21stCenturyJobs #InternetMaturity #DigitalResilience
Globally, the most agreed upon learning-goals for students for success in the 21st century are known as '4 Cs' -
Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration and Creativity. Application of these '4 Cs' to digital world, along with the knowledge of cyber safety, and skills for digital resilience, combine to form the *super skill* called
Internet Maturity. No child can even dream about success in the 21st century without learning the following thoroughly:
- - how to make the most productive use of the Internet in education & career, and
- - how to stay safe from all the threats & risks of the Internet.
The only way for your students to master these skills is to study the subject of 'Digital Citizenship & Internet Maturity' comprehensively.
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The Most Important Subject for Your Teenage Child

Internet Maturity and the 4 Cs of the 21st Century Education

What is 'Digital Resilience'? How DCIM Education Fosters it?

Open Curriculum for Teaching DCIM in School

Free Toolkit to Run DCIM Club in School

"We want to create a great online reputation for our school."
That has become so important! You must understand the difference between online reputation and digital marketing. Digital marketing is temporary and expensive. Online reputation is permanent and free! It's actually the by-product of the Internet maturity of your students & teachers.
#OnlineReputation #SocialMedia #Respect #Goodwill
A great online reputation and lots of goodwill among parents are the BONUS which your school gets, if you provide DCIM Skills to your students & teachers. That's because Internet mature students & teachers can create excellent digital content (articles, discussions, videos, photos, presentations etc) to enrich your school's website and social media pages. They are able to maintain their personal online reputations good, which adds to your school's online reputation. This cannot be achieved through any kind of paid marketing campaigns. Also, your DCIM program can attract praise from organizations like the CBSE, UNICEF, your local Cyber Police etc, because it automatically implements their recommendations[anchor to recommendations] too.
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Open Curriculum for Teaching DCIM in School

Free Toolkit to Run DCIM Club in School