Answer Key Videos - Q.1 to Q.20

Q.1 of 20
Your school is expected to create a multidisciplinary learning system for students, which might require your teachers to collaborate with outside experts, & professionals from different fields, to teach a topic. What system will you develop in your school to do this on a regular basis, for every subject?
Q.2 of 20
How will you make the teaching-learning more enjoyable and participative for your students? Using animated or interesting lesson videos in the class is a popular idea. Please suggest more ideas.
Q.3 of 20
NEP wants you to prepare your students for a successful 21st century career. As you know, ‘preparing students’ takes much more effort than just ‘making them aware’. What system will you create in your school to achieve this objective?
Q.4 of 20
NEP says, one of the most important outcomes of school education for a child must be the development of ‘Higher Order Thinking Skills’, which includes the well-known ‘4 Cs’ of 21st century education – creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. What new system of teaching-learning should your school create/adopt to achieve this outcome? We know that the existing system of pedagogy cannot do this.
Q.5 of 20
It’s obvious, and the NEP also highlights the fact that the teachers should be at the centre of these fundamental reforms. Without the teachers becoming fully comfortable and capable of playing this totally new game, no reform will be possible. What kind of skills and attitude must the teachers acquire to become experts of these new systems or ways of teaching?
Q.6 of 20
NEP envisions that the teachers must become the most respected members of the society. How do you think the work and contribution of teachers can be made more visible to the world? Felicitating them on special occasions is the most common way. Please suggest more ideas.
Q.7 of 20
If you truly want to recognize, identify, and foster the unique capabilities of each of your students, what system would you create or adopt in your school?
Q.8 of 20
NEP wants schools to take advantage of their alumni and members of the larger community to guide and mentor students on various topics. What system would you create or adopt to facilitate that?
Q.9 of 20
What can you do to ensure that your students learn “how to learn” and also become lifelong learners?
Q.10 of 20
In addition to the multidisciplinary approach of teaching a topic, NEP expects you to utilize arts, sports, and storytelling in the teaching of all the subjects. How will this practically be possible? Are they being unreasonable in their expectations?
Q.11 of 20
If a student experientially learns and practically demonstrates a concept (say electrolysis), should he/she be compelled to write the complete explanation on paper? What is the best way to record & assess the hands-on learning of students?
Q.12 of 20
NEP promises that the students will be given increased flexibility and choice of subjects to design their own paths of study and life plans. Also, there will be no hard separation between ‘curricular’, ‘extracurricular’ & ‘co-curricular’, or among ‘arts’, ‘humanities’ & ‘sciences’, or between ‘vocational’ & ‘academic’ streams. It clearly means you won’t be able to create well-defined batches of students. Then how will you schedule the classes, assign the teachers and design the academic calendar of your school?
Q.13 of 20
Can you visualize how digital technologies can help a student learn and practice three languages and help your school provide bilingual learning resources to students for various subjects? Articulate your vision.
Q.14 of 20
Create your own list of subjects, skills and capacities which are absolutely essential for your students to survive and succeed in the 21st century world. Discuss it with at least 5 industry experts (non-academics) and include their suggestions in your list.
Q.15 of 20
Explain in detail what are the strengths and weaknesses of your school for ensuring effective teaching of the subjects, skills, and capacities listed in Q.14.
Q.16 of 20
NEP wants students to learn to make ethical decisions and “doing what's right”. While subjects like moral science can teach ethics of the real world, how do you think students can learn about ethics of the digital world (the place where majority of their social interactions and transactions will happen)?
Q.17 of 20
NEP seems quite serious about transforming the way assessments are done in schools. It wants that assessments should be regular, formative, NOT just summative. Aimed at testing higher order thinking skills, concept clarity, and critical thinking. Also, the assessment reports must reflect in great detail the uniqueness of each student. What kind of progress reporting system will be able to do that?
Q.18 of 20
Imagine a system which is capable of capturing every student's activities, creations, performances, writings etc, continuously throughout the year. Now imagine an AI based assessment software which takes all the data from the above system and generates progress report for each student every month. Will there still be need for the traditional exams such as unit tests, term exams, & final exams? If yes, why?
Q.19 of 20
NEP wants to enrich the teaching learning process with online resources such as apps, quizzes, online forums and other online tools. Are the teachers of your school Internet mature so that they can make the best use of these online resources? Write the list of topics which an ideal training program must cover to make the teachers Internet mature.
Q.20 of 20
What kind of cyber safety threats are you aware of, which your students face in their everyday digital lives? What kind of digital discipline problems among students you see in your school? What system does your school need (or have) to solve these problems?

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