Digital Citizenship & Internet Maturity Blog


Why are DCIM skills Important for Homeschooling Children?

The learning pattern of a homeschooling child is very different from that of a child going to a regular school.

Homeschooling allows for a more personalized and flexible approach to learning, where the child has more control over what they learn and how they learn it. They may be able to work at their own pace and focus on subjects that interest them the most. On the other hand, traditional schools have set schedules and curriculum, and the child is expected to conform to the pace and expectations of the class. This can be a challenge for some children who may struggle with the traditional model of learning.

There is a lot of self-paced learning involved in homeschooling. Homeschooling provides the opportunity for children to take responsibility for their own learning, and to work at their own pace. This allows for a level of autonomy and self-motivation that can be difficult to achieve in traditional schools. The child is able to set their own goals and determine their own learning path, rather than having to conform to a set curriculum.

The Internet being the ultimate repository of human knowledge and easily accessible 24x7 from anywhere, is naturally the "Super Teacher" for the homeschooling children. The Internet provides a wealth of information and resources for homeschooling children, including online textbooks, videos, and interactive activities. This can be a valuable tool for supplementing the child's learning and providing additional opportunities for self-directed learning.

However, the child must possess Digital Citizenship & Internet Maturity (DCIM) skills to take the full advantage of the "Super Teacher" called the Internet. Children need to be taught how to navigate the Internet safely and responsibly, including how to evaluate the credibility of sources and how to protect themselves from online risks. This includes learning how to avoid scams, cyberbullying, and other types of online harassment. Without these skills, children may be at risk of being taken advantage of or exposed to harmful content.

Learning in the 21st century will be almost fully dependent upon the Internet. Internet has emerged as the ultimate repository of human knowledge and can be accessed from any corner of the world. Therefore, the quality of online learning for anyone will depend upon the following aspects of online learning:

A. Online searching skills for finding trustworthy knowledge online.
B. Online forum discussion skills for seeking expert knowledge or solutions on forums.
C. Leveraging open courseware and MOOCs for self-learning.
D. Using social & professional networking platforms to connect with prospective mentors & guides.

In addition to the learning opportunities, there are also some threats & risks which a child will face on the Internet. A child who is going online very frequently and for long hours must be fully aware about those threats and risks. These include exposure to inappropriate content, cyberbullying, and online scams. Parents and caregivers must be vigilant in monitoring their child's online activities and educating them on how to stay safe online. This includes setting up parental controls and having open and honest conversations with the child about online safety.


If you are a parent of a homeschooler, it is mission critical to provide your child with DCIM skills!

Explore our foundation course now and enroll your child into it ASAP!

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