Digital Citizenship & Internet Maturity Blog


Who is an 'information junkie'? Are you one?

An "information junkie" is a person who has an insatiable appetite for information, and seeks out new and diverse sources of information constantly. This can manifest in various ways, such as constantly checking news websites, social media, or forums for updates and new information, subscribing to multiple newspapers or magazines, or spending hours watching documentaries or listening to podcasts.

For example, someone who compulsively checks the news on their phone every hour throughout the day, even when they are not actively engaged in work or other activities, could be considered an information junkie. Similarly, a person who spends hours every day reading articles and posts on a variety of websites, or who subscribes to multiple newspapers and magazines, could be considered an information junkie.


It's important to note that being an "information junkie" is not inherently negative, as having a desire for knowledge and staying informed can be beneficial in many aspects of life. However, excessive or compulsive information seeking can lead to negative consequences, such as neglecting other responsibilities, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information, or becoming anxious or stressed.


Let's look at some examples:

  • A business person who spends hours a day reading news articles, analyst reports, and monitoring financial markets to stay informed about trends and changes in their industry.
  • A student who reads multiple books, articles, and journals on a variety of subjects in order to stay informed on various topics.
  • A journalist who spends most of the day reading news articles and monitoring social media to stay informed about current events and find new story ideas.

All the three perons above are doing nothing wrong till their habit becomes excessive or compulsive. It's all about maintaining a balance!

How the Internet has fueled the information junkie behaviour among people?

The Internet has greatly contributed to the phenomenon of "information junkie" behavior by making an abundance of information easily and quickly accessible to people. With just a few clicks, someone can access news articles, blog posts, social media updates, and other forms of information from all around the world.

The Internet has also made it easy for people to subscribe to multiple sources of information, such as news websites, podcasts, and social media accounts, which can lead to an overwhelming amount of information to consume. The constant updates and notifications from these sources can also contribute to compulsive information-seeking behavior.

Additionally, the Internet has made it easy for people to access niche and specialized information, which can further fuel information junkie behavior. For example, a person who is interested in a specific hobby or topic can easily find and access a wealth of information on that subject via the Internet, which can lead to hours of reading and research. When people get almost free access to infinite amount of trivia or specialized information, they can easily slip into becoming compulsive information-seekers.

How Digital Citizenship & Internet Maturity training can help a person to control his or her information junkie behaviour?

Digital citizenship and Internet Maturity training makes a person mindful and purpose-driven while using the Internet. An Internet mature person can control his or her information junkie behavior by practising a responsible and balanced use of the Internet. Here are a few examples of how DCIM training can help control information junkie behavior:

  • Learning to be a critical consumer of information: DCIM training can teach a person how to evaluate the credibility and reliability of the information they find online. This can help a person avoid falling for misinformation or fake news, and can also help them to be more selective about the information they choose to consume.
  • Managing online distractions: DCIM training can teach a person how to manage online distractions, such as notifications and pop-ups, which can contribute to compulsive information-seeking behavior. A person can learn how to turn off notifications or set specific times of the day to check their email or social media, which can help them to be more productive and focused.
  • Setting boundaries and social media hygiene: DCIM training can help a person to set boundaries around their Internet use and their social network. For example, a person can learn how to set specific time limits for their Internet use, or how to avoid connecting with unnecessary people or communities online which end up becoming sources of junk information.
  • Balancing online and offline life: DCIM training gives a lot of importance to finding balance in online and offline life. This can help a person to prioritize his or her time and energy on the things that are most important to them, such as family, friends, work, and hobbies.


Digital Citizenship and Internet Maturity training is the best way out for an information junkie! It helps a person lead a more productive and fulfilling 21st century life!


Also Read: Information Overload is a Bad Side-Effect of Online Learning

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